
Thursday 13 September 2012

Indiana University Scholarships USA


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Indiana University is an amazing place to be a scholar and pursue your education and dreams. IU has a wide variety of prestigious scholarships available to students who will enroll as freshmen in the fall of 2013. Please note that all application materials for admission must be submitted online or postmarked by November 1, which is the deadline for Automatic Academic Scholarship and Selective Scholarship consideration. Be sure to visit our Timeline page frequently throughout the year for important scholarship dates and additional information.

There are a variety of different scholarships that students can receive at Indiana University. Listed below are some of the most frequently offered and most prestigious university scholarships for incoming freshmen.  Students may be awarded a combination of these scholarships based on their academic profile until the cost of attendance is met.
The six primary categories of scholarships for incoming freshmen are:

New Criteria Announced!

Students who submit all application materials for admission by the November 1 deadline are automatically considered for Automatic Academic Scholarships, with the exception of those applying to the Jacobs School of Music*.  November 1 is the deadline for Automatic Academic Scholarship consideration.  No separate application is required. The SAT score considered is based on the Critical Reading and Math sections only.  The ACT score considered is the combined highest composite score. IU will only consider official test scores sent directly from the testing agencies. These scholarships are renewable for up to four years (eight semesters) of undergraduate study at IU by maintaining a 3.0 cumulative program GPA.  Click here for a complete list of renewal criteria and frequently asked questions for Automatic Academic Scholarships.
*Applicants to the Jacobs School of Music (including the Department of Ballet) will be considered for scholarships based on a combination of academic achievement and talent as demonstrated in the audition and/or interview instead of Automatic Academic Scholarships.

Indiana Resident Criteria

IU Excellence - $36,000 ($9,000 per year)

The IU Excellence Scholarship is awarded to the best and brightest students in the state of Indiana who meet each of the following criteria:
  • Indiana resident
  • Minimum SAT score of 1350 or minimum ACT of 31
  • Minimum GPA of 3.80 on a 4.0 scale

IU Prestige - $12,000 ($3,000 per year)

The IU Prestige Scholarship is awarded to Indiana resident students who meet each of the following criteria:
  • Indiana resident
  • Minimum SAT score of 1250 or minimum ACT of 28
  • Minimum GPA of 3.70 on a 4.0 scale

Non-Resident Criteria 

IU Distinction - $44,000 ($11,000 per year)

The IU Distinction Scholarship is awarded to the best and brightest out-of-state students who meet each of the following criteria:
  • Out-of-state student (domestic and international)
  • Minimum SAT score of 1350 or minimum ACT of 31
  • Minimum GPA of 3.80 on a 4.0 scale

IU Prestige - $20,000 ($5,000 per year)

The IU Prestige Scholarship is awarded to out-of-state students who meet each of the following criteria:
  • Out-of-state student (domestic and international)
  • Minimum SAT score of 1250 or minimum ACT of 28
  • Minimum GPA of 3.70 on a 4.0 scale 
All students, regardless of major, who submit a complete application for admission by November 1 are considered for Selective Scholarship eligibility.  Students who meet initial eligibility criteria will be invited to complete the online Selective Scholarship Application (SSA).Notification of a student’s SSA eligibility to apply will be offered via email and in the admission packet, and the online SSA (including the required letters of recommendation) must be submitted by the specified date on the application for further consideration.
The SSA is used as the application for the following scholarships and programs:

Hudson & Holland Scholars Program

The Hudson & Holland Scholars Program (HHSP) recognizes academically outstanding Indiana resident and non-resident students. The mission of the Program is to recruit and graduate students from underrepresented populations (African American, Hispanic, and Native American). Primary consideration is given to underrepresented populations, but other applicants are considered. Competitive students should have strong grades, SAT or ACT scores and a demonstrated commitment to serving their community. The annual scholarship award amount is $6,000 per year, with additional incentive-based scholarships available to students who excel academically.  For more information about the Hudson & Holland Scholars Program, click here.

Hutton Honors College Scholarships

The exceptional and highly motivated freshmen who meet the Hutton Honors College's automatic invitation eligibility criteria may also apply for a Hutton Honors College Scholarship.  Award amounts normally average $2,000-3,000 per year; renewable for up to four years (eight semesters) of undergraduate study at IU by maintaining a 3.4 or above GPA, completing a minimum of three graded honors courses during the first two years, and attending at least one approved cultural/educational event each year.  Priority scholarship consideration will be given to students who apply by November 1, and only students who submit a complete Selective Scholarship Application by December 1st (including recommendation letters) will be considered for the premier Hutton Honors College scholarships.  For more information about Hutton Honors College Scholarships, click here.

Cox Research Scholars Program

The Cox Research Scholarship for Indiana residents is awarded to incoming freshmen of exemplary achievement who are interested in working under the direction of a faculty mentor on research and scholarly activities. This undergraduate scholarship, which has a total value of more than $63,000 over four years, provides funds for tuition, fees, room and board, and also includes a stipend for their research work. Competitive applicants will have a minimum SAT score of 1350 (Critical Reading and Math) or ACT score of 31 and will rank in the top 5% of their graduating class.  They are not expected to have prior research experience. The scholarship is renewable each year for a maximum of four years (excluding summers) or until the student receives his or her first bachelor's degree, whichever comes first. Cox Research Scholars must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Note: This scholarship cannot be combined with other IU awards, except for the IU National Scholar Program Scholarships. For more information on the Cox Research Scholars Program, click here.

Kelley Scholars Program

The Kelley Scholars Program offers a prestigious scholarship that, in conjunction with a student's Automatic Academic Scholarship, includes tuition and fees, a stipend intended to cover room/board and books, and an overseas study opportunity to approximately 10 freshmen. Students must be admitted to IU by November 1, offered direct admission to the Kelley School of Business, and have a minimum ACT score of 32 or SAT score of 1350 (Critical Reading and Math), along with a 3.8 GPA.  Recipients must display excellence in academics, leadership, and extracurricular involvement. The Kelley Scholarship is renewable for four years (eight semesters) of study at IU Bloomington by maintaining a 3.5 GPA and meeting additional requirements.  For more information on the Kelley Scholars Program, click here.

The College of Arts and Sciences

The College of Arts and Sciences recognizes the achievements of a small number of outstanding incoming freshmen by extending them invitations of Direct Admission. Direct Admission provides select students (less than 5% of the incoming freshman class) the opportunity to bypass the College's standard entrance requirements and to declare a major at the start of their freshman year. Successful candidates for Direct Admission to the College are chosen by committee on the basis of academic achievements, quality of essays, formative experiences, commitment to areas of study within the College of Arts and Sciences, and other evidence of scholarly promise. The highly accomplished and talented freshmen who are invited to join the College of Arts and Sciences through Direct Admission are also considered for a limited quantity of merit-based scholarships.  To be eligible for consideration, students must have indicated an intended major within the College of Arts and Sciences on their application for admission to IU. Competitive applicants will have a minimum SAT score of 1350 (Critical Reading and Math) or an ACT score of 31 (Composite) in addition to a minimum GPA of 3.800 on a 4.0 scale or a rank within the top 10% of their graduating class. The number of scholarships available in any given year is limited and awarding is competitive; an invitation of Direct Admission does not guarantee being awarded a scholarship. For more information about scholarships in the College of Arts and Sciences, click here.

The School of Education Direct Admit Scholars Program

The School of Education Direct Admit Scholars program offers direct admission to a small number of highly qualified incoming freshmen who demonstrate a strong academic background and a sincere commitment to teaching. This program provides many unique opportunities to promising future teachers at one of the nation's finest education schools.   Exceptional students who have been admitted to IU with an intended major in education are invited to apply to the program.  In their application essays, students should address their teaching interests, formative experiences, and goals for the future. The Direct Admit Scholars committee will review the completed applications and invite a group of students to join the program.  Selection is competitive.  The Scholars are chosen on the basis of academic merit, quality of application, commitment to teaching, intended teaching area, and/or other relevant factors.
Students who complete the Selective Scholarship Application and are invited to join the Direct Admit Scholars program will automatically be considered for School of Education scholarships.   Award amounts are modest and vary by scholarship.  Most are renewable for up to four years (eight semesters) of study at IU.  Eligibility and renewal criteria are specific to each award.  Scholarship possibilities for Direct Admit Scholars also include the opportunity to receive a stipend to student teach through one of the Cultural Immersion Projects.  For more information about the Direct Admit Scholars program, click here.

The School of Informatics and Computing Scholarship Programs

The School of Informatics and Computing recognizes academically successful resident and non-resident students through diverse scholarships and the direct admit community.  To be considered for these opportunities and receive the Selective Scholarship Application, students need to showcase competitive grades, SAT or ACT scores, class rank and demonstrated leadership skills.  Applicants should also indicate a strong interest in majoring in one of the School's degree tracks of Informatics or Computer Science.  Award amounts vary from $500-$5000 per year, with many being renewable for additional years by maintaining good academic standing.  For more information about the scholarships and/or the direct admit program in the School of Informatics and Computing, click here.

The School of Journalism

The School of Journalism uses the SSA to consider students for four programs:

  1. The Honors Program - The school has a departmental honors program called the School of Journalism Honors Program. Approximately twenty students each year become Ernie Pyle Scholars, which involves a professor mentor, honors sections of the core journalism classes, and some unique travel opportunities throughout the four years of college.
  2. The Media Scholars Program - Designed for top-notch students passionate about journalism, the IU School of Journalism's Media Scholars program selects 10 to 15 high-performing students per entering class who have demonstrated excellence in academics, media involvement and character.
  3. Direct Admission to the School of Journalism - Most students apply to enter the school as a journalism major after their freshman years. However, students who complete the SSA and express an interest in journalism are considered for the Direct Admission program, allowing students to be members of the School of Journalism from the moment they set foot on campus.
  4. Freshman Scholarships - The School of Journalism offers a limited number of scholarships to incoming freshman each year.  Amounts of the scholarships will vary and are based on merit and donor intent.
The minimum academic standards to be considered for all of these programs are the same. Students must complete a selective scholarship application and must meet at least one of the following standards:
  • SAT score of 1270 or above (Critical Reading and Math)
  • ACT score of 29 or above
  • GPA of 3.8/4.0 or above
  • Ranked in the top 10 percent of the graduating class
For more information on the School of Journalism scholarships and Honors Program, click here. 

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) proudly offers the SPEA Direct Admission Scholarship.  The SPEA Direct Admission Scholarship is a $5,000 award per academic year, disbursing as a $2,500 award for each fall and spring semester at IU Bloomington.  Only completed Selective Scholarship Applications will be reviewed by the SPEA Direct Admit Scholarship committee, and SPEA will communicate scholarship decisions via email in early March.  If scholarship recipients remain in good standing, both academically and non-academically, as well as enroll in and complete at least nine credit hours of SPEA coursework with the fall and spring semesters, the scholarship will be eligible for renewal for up to four total years of undergraduate study and a maximum award amount of $20,000.
An advantage of being eligible for Direct Admission to SPEA is working with a SPEA advisor early on to begin formulating which special SPEA programs may be available to you.  Overseas study, a semester internship in Washington D.C., multiple internship opportunities, and an accelerated Master's degree are just a few of the programs available.

The Jesse H. and Beulah Chanley Cox Scholar Programs affirm and reward the efforts of Indiana University students who have demonstrated the motivation and resourcefulness required for success through their part-time work and solid academic performance.  With five scholarship programs bearing the Cox name, it is the largest IU scholarship program on the Bloomington Campus.
INCOMING FRESHMEN are able to apply for the following; Please click on the individual links for more information. Only one set of materials is necessary to apply for the Engagement, Exploratory, and Legacy Scholarships.
CURRENT IU BLOOMINGTON STUDENTS are able to apply for the following; click on the individual link for more information:
RETURNING STUDENTS are able to apply for the following; click on the individual link for more information:
The Cox Legacy provides for hard-working Indiana residents who are academically strong and have demonstrated financial need.  Students earning a Cox Scholarship are chosen on the basis of their demonstrated motivation, resourcefulness, and academic achievement.   They are required to continue to demonstrate this commitment to their education and to their future, while serving Indiana University and the wider community through employment.  For more information on our Cox Scholars Program opportunities, a copy of our e-brochure is available for download here.

About Jesse Cox

“Jesse was an inspiration to all who believe that happiness can be found in the quest for knowledge and that a strong work ethic deserves to be rewarded. His support, service and generosity have had a profound impact on Indiana University and higher education in Indiana. Jesse's spirit will live on through future generations of outstanding, hardworking students who follow the path he has set and seek to realize their grandest dreams through an IU education.” – Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie
“Jesse Cox's experiences in life, especially working his way through college, led him to believe that it takes special determination, special drive, and special ambition, to realize the dream of a college education. The Cox Scholarships reward promise and hard work and ultimately fulfill dreams.” – Indiana University President Emeritus Curt Simic
For more history about Jesse and Beulah Cox, please visit this short biography
Click here to view a video of Jesse Cox.

Indiana University offers scholarships in recognition of student success in a variety of national scholar programs.  IU will be notified of students recognized by these programs in late spring of their senior year.  National Scholar Program Scholarships are renewable for four years of study at IU by maintaining a 3.0 cumulative program GPA.

IU National Merit Scholarship

$4,000 ($1,000 per year)

IU awards this scholarship to all National Merit Finalists who indicate IU as their first choice through the National Merit Scholarship Program. For more information about the National Merit Scholarship Program, click here.

IU National Achievement Scholarship

$4,000 ($1,000 per year)

IU awards this scholarship to all National Achievement Finalists through the National Achievement Scholarship Program.  For more information about the National Achievement Scholarship Program for outstanding African American high school students, click here.

IU National Hispanic Scholarship

$4,000 ($1,000 per year)

IU awards this scholarship to all students recognized through the National Hispanic Recognition Program.  For more information about the National Hispanic Recognition Program for outstanding Hispanic high school students, click here.
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Office of Scholarships | Franklin Hall 232 601 E. Kirkwood Avenue Bloomington, IN 47405-7700 | Copyright © 2012 The Trustees of Indiana University | Copyright Complaints | Privacy Policy

Nomination scholarships are based on a nomination process either to receive the award, or to be eligible to apply.

Adam W. Herbert Presidential Scholars Program

The Adam W. Herbert Presidential Scholars Program recognizes a select number of Indiana resident students who are the top achievers of the incoming freshman class. The award includes a scholarship which is renewable for four years (eight semesters) of study at IU, a laptop computer, and funding for a study abroad program. Recipients are selected by a committee representing the Office of the President and must maintain a minimum GPA. No separate application is necessary.  Preference is given to students who have applied for admission to IU by the November 1 scholarship deadline.  For more information on the Adam W. Herbert Presidential Scholars program, click here.

Wells Scholars Program

The Wells Scholars Program awards scholarships that provide tuition, academic fees, a living-expenses stipend, a summer experience grant, and support for overseas study to 18-22 freshmen who have shown exceptional academic accomplishment and promise, fine character and leadership, significant involvement in extracurricular activities, concern for their communities, and interest in the larger world. All Indiana high schools and selected out-of state high schools may nominate up to two seniors each year for consideration for the scholarship.  Students who do not attend high schools eligible to nominate can be considered for nomination by the Office of Admissions.  The scholarship is renewable for a total of up to four years of undergraduate study at IU Bloomington if the student maintains a 3.4 GPA and meets additional requirements.  Note: This scholarship cannot be combined with other IU awards, except for the IU National Scholar Program Scholarships. For more information on the Wells Scholars Program, click here.
Block IU
Office of Scholarships | Franklin Hall 232 601 E. Kirkwood Aven

The following awards for Indiana residents consider both financial need and academic merit. Students must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 10, in addition to a complete application for admission, to receive these awards.

21st Century Scholarship Covenant

The 21st Century Scholars Program offers tuition assistance to Indiana residents who meet academic and need requirements. Students apply for the 21st Century Scholars Program in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade.
The 21st Century Scholarship Covenant at IU will supplement the state grant to cover the full cost of attendance, including books, room and board, up to the amount of a student's financial need based on the family's expected contribution as defined by the FAFSA. The Covenant provides 21st Century Scholars with enough additional financial aid to meet the full cost of attending IU. This award is renewable for four years (eight semesters) of study at IU as long as the student remains eligible.  For more information on the 21st Century Scholarship Covenant, click here.

Pell Promise

Pell Grants are offered to incoming freshmen based on financial need.  Click here for more information on the Pell Grant.
The Pell Promise provides the balance of funding needed to cover full tuition and fees for all admitted Indiana resident students who qualify for Pell Grants and who scored 1200 (Critical Reading and Math) or higher on the SAT or 27 or higher on the ACT.  These scholarships are renewable for four years (eight semesters) of study at IU by maintaining a cumulative program GPA of 3.0.  For more information on the Pell Promise, click here.