
Sunday 30 September 2012


UQ’s Academic Scholarship program aims to reward the achievements of outstanding school leavers and gap year students. A significant number of scholarships are awarded each year.  If you are a high-achieving student and you are completing Year 12 in 2012 (or you completed in 2011 and you’re on a gap year) then you are encouraged to apply.

A minimum of $100,000 in scholarship funding will also be reserved for applicants who have experienced educational disadvantage in one or both of the following areas:
  • Financial hardship
  • Geographic isolation

  • Types of Scholarships

    There are three categories of Academic Scholarships:

    UQ Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships

    • $12,000 per year for up to 5 years for undergraduate and any subsequent postgraduate coursework study (if applicable).
    • automatically awarded to scholarship applicants who achieve at the very top of the OP1/equivalent band ie a tertiary entrance score equivalent to an ATAR of 99.95.

    UQ Excellence Scholarships

    (including UQ Excellence (Colonel D E Evans Memorial) and UQ Excellence (AJ Deakin Memorial) Scholarships)*
    • $6,000 per year for up to 4 years for undergraduate and any subsequent postgraduate coursework study (if applicable).
    • awarded to OP1/equivalent applicants who have demonstrated outstanding academic, leadership and/or significant community service achievements during years  11-12. 
    *Only applicants who have indicated an interest in studying engineering at UQ will be considered for either the UQ Excellence (Colonel D E Evans Memorial) or UQ Excellence (AJ Deakin Memorial) Scholarships. Students awarded one of these named scholarships will be required to maintain enrolment in the B Engineering or related dual program.

    UQ Merit Scholarships

    • $6,000 for the first year of study
    •  awarded to high-achieving students (OP 1-3) who can also demonstrate significant  academic,  leadership and/or community service achievements.  A number of UQ Merit Scholarships are partly funded through the generous sponsorship of industry and community partners such as Boeing, Dell and Alumni Friends of the University of Queensland Inc.
    Please note:  The award of an Academic Scholarship does NOT guarantee a place at The University of Queensland. QTAC will make offers to academically qualified and eligible students on behalf of the University in January 2013.

    Academic Scholarships are open to current Year 12 and gap year students who:
    • are Australian Citizens or Australian Permanent Humanitarian Visa Holders; or
    • are Australian Permanent Residents, New Zealand citizens or international students who are completing or have completed Years 11 and 12 in Australia;
    • have NOT completed any previous tertiary study other than that undertaken as part of Year 11-12 studies (eg. Enhanced Studies Program); and
    • have applied for a tertiary place through the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC); and
    • are intending to enrol as a full-time student in an undergraduate program at The University of Queensland in 2013 (or 2014 if they are deferring their tertiary place); and
    • have UQ listed as either their 1st and/or 2nd QTAC preference.

      View the current Academic Scholarship Guidelines >

      Successful recipients will be notified by telephone or email within a week of the release of their Year 12 results in late December/early January. Please see the following table for more detailed information:

      Current Year 12 students from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, ACT, and Northern Territory
      21 December 2012
      All gap year students
      21 December 2012
      Current International Baccalaureate students
      Early – mid January 2013
      Current Year 12 students from Western Australia
      Early – mid January 2013
      Current External Senior students
      Early – mid January 2013
      Current year 12 Australian students studying overseas
      21 December 2012
      Early – mid January 2013
      (dependent on the release of your results)
      Note:  The above dates are subject to change
      Unsuccessful scholarship applicants will be notified by email in late January 2013

      • UQ will aim to award scholarships to students across a broad range of high schools and study areas.  It is important to note that scholarships are more competitive in programs with exceptionally high demand. 
      • Applicants who meet the selection criteria and have provided evidence of educational disadvantage as a result of financial hardship and/or geographic isolation, may be given preference in the awarding of some scholarships. 
      • Assessment of educational disadvantage (if applicable) will be based on information in your personal statement, as well as supporting documentation provided as evidence of your unique circumstances. 
      • UQ must be listed as either your 1st and/or 2nd QTAC preference. Applicants who have indicated their strong commitment to studying at UQ will be given preference.
      • Assessment of academic, leadership and/or community service achievements will be based on the documented evidenced which you provide.
      • Bonus ranks applied as a result of undertaking a language other than English, Maths C or tertiary study while still in high school, or as a consequence of special entry or special consideration schemes, will NOT apply for the purposes of awarding scholarships.
      • Due to the limited number of scholarships available, not all OP1 (or equivalent) applicants will be successful in their scholarship application.
      The award of an Academic Scholarship will be conditional on the recipient accepting the offer of a place at UQ in 2013. Year 12 school leavers awarded a scholarship may defer their scholarship for up to one year if they have accepted their tertiary offer but elect to defer their studies until 2014. 

      It is recommended that you use either Internet Explorer or Safari to submit and print your online application form.   If using Mozilla Firefox, you may not be able to print a copy of your application if you wish to retain this for your records.  Please also note, that once you have submitted your online application, it is not possible to return to it to make changes. 


      Please note: you will be required to provide your QTAC Application number to complete the online application

      Step 1: Sample Application Form

      Applicants are encouraged to view the sample application form here prior to commencing their online application.

      Step 2:  Online Application Form

      Only one application form is needed to be completed for submission for all academic scholarships.
      You cannot complete the Online Application until you have submitted your QTAC application, as you will be required to provide your QTAC Application number.
      You must answer ALL questions on the Online Application Form. Once you have completed the form, please click the SUBMIT link.  Before you commence the Academic Scholarship Online Application Form, you must read the Academic Scholarship Guidelines (PDF).  Online Application Forms and all supporting documentation for 2013 Academic Scholarships must be received by 5pm Wednesday 31st October 2012.  Late applications will NOT be considered.
      Please note that you only need to complete ONE application form to be considered for any of the three scholarship types available.
      You will receive an  email from the UQ Scholarships Office to confirm that your Online Application Form has been received.  It is your responsibility to contact the UQ Scholarships Office on (07) 3365 7113 if you have not received this confirmation email within two working days of submitting your application.

      Step 3:  Hard Copy Supporting Documentation/Evidence

      You must provide the following supporting documentation to be received by the University no later than 5pm Wednesday 31st October 2012:
      a.   Copy of Confirmation Email confirming lodgement of your Online Application Form (please do not send the printout of your Online Application).
      b.   Personal Statement of 300 words or less which briefly describes:
      • your study and career aspirations; and
      • if applicable, how your financial circumstances or living and studying in a geographically isolated location has impacted upon your academic, leadership and/or community service achievements in Years 11 and 12.
      c.   Evidence of achievements:  Evidence must be provided for any significant academic, leadership and/or community service achievements you have indicated in your Online Application (Steps 9-14).  Evidence may include certificates, letters from school principals, community leaders, sporting associations etc (photocopies are sufficient). No referees will be contacted. Any achievements which are not supported by documentary evidence will not be considered.
      d.   Evidence of Educational Disadvantage (where applicable).  Examples can include Youth Allowance or other current Centrelink statements, parents' ATO Assessment notices, utility bills showing home address, letter from high school, etc (photocopies are sufficient).

      Step 4:  Submit Hard Copy Supporting Documentation/Evidence

      Hard Copy Supporting Documentation/Evidence can be submitted to one of the following addresses:
      By post:
      The Manager
      Undergraduate Scholarships & Prizes Office
      Building 87
      The University of Queensland
      St Lucia  Qld  4072
      In person to a UQ Student Centre:
      Level 1, J D Story Blg
      St Lucia Campus, or
      Level 2, Building 8
      Ipswich Campus, or
      Level 1, NW Briton Annex
      Gatton Campus
      (Please note that the Student Centre at St Lucia is open between 8.30am -5.00pm Monday – Friday. An ‘After Hours Lodgement’ facility is also available at this site)

      Email: or telephone: +61 7 3365 7113 for all enquiries relating to Academic Scholarships.

      UQ's residential colleges welcome applications for accommodation from interstate and regional students needing to move away from home in order to attend university. The Colleges offer a unique social, cultural and sporting environment that is particularly nurturing for students making the transition from home to university.
      The closing date for applications for college accommodation varies from college to college but is generally between September and October each year. The University can also assist with information relating to non-College accommodation options. A small number of accommodation places are generally reserved for Academic Scholarship recipients needing to relocate from their interstate or regional home to come to UQ.

      For further information about accommodation and/or how to apply for a place in one of UQ’s residential colleges in 2013, go to


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